Azure Monthly updates (with Ignite highlights) -September 2020

Another end of month, I`m here to provide a single post for Azure updates on previous month. This blog, we will be covering up September month updates and MS ignite session highlights for Azure. Each update on this blog is not an exhaustive list of all the monthly updates. I would like to call out most specific updates from…

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Azure Virtual WAN

Azure Virtual WAN is the newest network service that brings many network functions (networking, security and routing) together to provide a single operational interface. The network services functionality includes Site to Site VPN, Point to Site VPN, Express Route connectivity, routing, Firewall & Encryption and branch office connectivity. The connectivity and management of all networking functionality is managed via…

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Azure Site Recovery Zone to Zone Replication

Azure Site Recovery contributes to an organisations business continuity and disaster recovery strategy by replicating workloads to secondary region. Microsoft announced Azure Site Recovery support for Zone to Zone disaster recovery in May 2020, which is currently available in limited with two regions: Southeast Asia and UK South (at the time of writing this article). This feature enables, replicate,…

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Monthly updates from Azure (August 2020)

Another end of month, I`m here to provide a single post for Azure updates on previous month. This blog, we will be covering up august month updates from Azure. Each update on this blog is not an exhaustive list of all the monthly updates. I would like to call out most specific updates from Infrastructure technologies (compute, storage, networking,…

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Azure Private Endpoint

Azure Private Link is an Azure service that enables customers to access supported Azure PaaS Services (Azure SQL & Storage etc..) over a private endpoint in an Azure Virtual Network. This ensures the network traffic between virtual network and service travels via the Microsoft backbone within your network boundary, including from on-premises when connectivity such as ExpressRoute is configured….

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Azure backup Cross Region Restore for Azure virtual machine.

What is Azure Backup? Azure backup is a service in azure which provides a simple, secure and cost-effective backup solution for virtual machines (Azure and On-premise), Azure file share, SAP HANA Databases in Azure VMs and SQL server on Azure VMs. Azure backup uses Azure site recovery vault for storing backup data using Azure storage accounts. Recovery vault uses…

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Monthly updates from Azure (July 2020)

Another end of month, I`m here to provide a single post for Azure updates on previous month. This blog, we will be covering up July month updates from Azure. Each update on this blog is not an exhaustive list of all the monthly updates. I would like to call out most specific updates from Infrastructure technologies (compute, storage, networking,…

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Azure bastion service

When performing an IT admin role, RDP or SSH session is usually used for accessing required target servers. If not, a jumpbox is usually provided for connecting their required target server for a RDP / SSH session. While coming to the public cloud, a jumpbox server is placed in the management Virtual network. In some environments, it will be…

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Terraform with Azure DevOps Pipeline

Terraform is Infrastructure as Code (IaC) software tool developed by Hashicorp. It’s used to define and provision infrastructure with Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL). Terraform can be used for deploying infrastructure in the below spaces: – Azure Cloud – AWS cloud – Google Cloud – Oracle cloud – VMware vSphere – Alibaba cloud – Cisco devices (limited functionalities) Why do…

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Monthly updates of Azure – June 2020

Starting of month, reminds me about providing a single post for Azure updates on previous month. This blog, we will be covering up June month updates from Azure. Each update on this blog is not an exhaustive list of all the monthly updates. I would like to call out most specific updates from Infrastructure technologies (compute, storage, networking, identity,…

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