What is Stored Procedure?
- A stored procedure is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the code can be reused over and over again.
- So if you have an SQL query that you write over and over again, save it as a stored procedure, and then just call it to execute it.
- You can also pass parameters to a stored procedure, so that the stored procedure can act based on the parameter value(s) that is passed.
Stored Procedure Syntax
CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name
Execute a Stored Procedure
EXEC procedure_name;
To write procedure select database -> right click->new query
Types to pass parameters
- 1. Stored procedure with no parameter
- 2.Stored procedure with single parameter
- 3. Stored procedure with multiple parameters
Eg: Using Adventureworks Database
Stored procedure with one parameter
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProductCategory_procedure]
SELECT * FROM Production.ProductCategory
EXEC ProductCategory_procedure
Once written and executed your create procedure check in Db->Programmability->Stored Procedure->your procedure name
Output for procedure with no parameter
With One parameter
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[oneparameter]
@ProductCatergoryID int <- (parameter declared)
SELECT * FROM Production.ProductCategory pc WHERE pc.ProductCategoryID = @ProductCatergoryID
EXEC multiparameter @ProductCatergoryID = ‘4’ <-parameter passed
Here @ProductCatergory parameter is passed to the procedure
With multi-parameter
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[multiparameter]
@ProductCatergoryID int, @Name varchar(50) <- 2 parameters declared
SELECT * FROM Production.ProductCategory pc WHERE pc.ProductCategoryID = @ProductCatergoryID and pc.Name = @Name
EXEC multiparameter @ProductCatergoryID = ‘4’ , @Name = ‘Accessories’
<-2 parameters value passed
Alter Procedure.
ALTER PROCEDURE procedure_name
Sql code
Eg: I am using multi-parameter procedure
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[multiparameter]
@ProductCatergoryID int, @Name varchar(50)
(In previous procedure i used select * , here i am selecting only one column)
SELECT pc.rowguid FROM Production.ProductCategory pc WHERE pc.ProductCategoryID = @ProductCatergoryID and pc.Name = @Name
EXEC multiparameter @ProductCatergoryID = ‘4’ , @Name = ‘Accessories’
Output for altered procedure

BI Developer specialized in SQL Query Development/ SSIS/ SSAS/ SSRS /Power BI/ MS Office. Enjoy working in data analysis and presentation, challenging projects where I can uncover valuable business insights for an organization from previously under-utilized data sources and creating custom made reports and interactive dashboards